01 November 2010

Happy Halloween!

Today was my first time Trick-or-Treating. That is the Halloween tradition when kids dress up in costumes and go from house to house saying, "Trick or Treat." Then the neighbors (hopefully) give you candy (Treat).

It is fantastic.

In case you can't tell, I dressed up as a sheep.

Papa was a BP Oil worker.

We even got to visit Maura, where I used to go for daycare.

After we gathered MANY Treats, we came home and gave candy out to the other kids. That was fun, too. But not quite as fun as collecting.

1 comment:

  1. Andres, el germanet arriba ja!! treute la disfressa de xai i a preparar-te per ser el germà gran...
    (per cert, el pare està genial de manobre... potser s'ha equivocat de professió??)
