13 January 2012

A Question of Ethics

Tonight Mama told me the story of the Three Little Pigs before bed. She always ends the story with the Big Bad Wolf climbing down the chimney and falling into a pot of boiling water where the pigs turn him into a soup.

So tonight I finally asked her what had been on my mind.

"Is is OK for people to make other people into soup?"

"No." she said.

"What about wolves?"

Her answer wasn't great. Something about it just being a story. Then she added something about it being OK because the wolf was Big and Bad and they made him into a soup so he wouldn't bother any other little pigs.


I might need a second opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I guess that's why in papa's version, the wolf burns his tail and runs far far away to never return...
    I guess Andrés' next question will be: is exile better than execution? ;-)
