06 July 2009

My new friends

To celebrate the 4th of July holiday we spent the weekend at my new friends´place in Cape Cod.

This is my friend Law. He is a big boy, and we have fun together.

This is Law´s dad, James. He is very cool, and can sail anything, boats, surfboards... He washed the salt off me after my first sea bath.

This is Law´s mom, Natalie. She´s very sweet, I like when she holds me. She is expecting a baby girl to be Law's little sister.

Law and I playing the "I'm an opera singer" game.

1 comment:

  1. ¡Que bueno! We are envious of your weekend on Cape Cod. It certainly looks like you had a lot of fun with your friends. Did you like sailing on the ocean? How about bathing? You look like you're having a great time.
