The pumpkin in its native habitat. . . a family farm in Massachusetts.
October 30, 2010
Pumpkin is transformed into a Halloween Jack-O-Lantern by the Muñoz Broder family.
October 31, 2010
Pumpkin as Jack-O-Lantern meets a dubious fate at the hands of Papa Muñoz.
November 1 - 21, 2010 (not pictured)
Pumpkin spends time as a purée in the purgatory of our freezer.
Small portions get paroled and experience life as a hearty soup.
November 22, 2010
Revitalized by cousins Lauren and Naomi, Pumpkin lives again as moist, delicious pumpkin bread.
November 23, 2010
Pumpkin becomes the grand finale at our Thanksgiving feast.
From now on, Pumpkin's presence in this world is but a sweet memory. . . . . mmmmmm PUMPKIN PIE!
Yummy!! And I don't mean only the pumpkin in its various forms.