15 October 2010

Art Making

That is my first collage. I started it at Tot Lot, my new daycare, but it's still a work-in-progress.


  1. I see that you are an artist like your Mommy. And very serious about your work too! Grandma and I can't wait to see you and watch you create.

  2. El meu petit esta pintant amb les nostres pinturetes!!! Demano una de les seves obres d'art per penjar-la a la nevera (por fi por fi por fi!!)
    (Leah, I was asking for one of his pieces of art, either scanned or better in original form for me to show off!!)

  3. Ja m'ha arribat l'obra d'art!! estem aqui a la feina totes babejant!! gràcies, Andres, per fer-me un dibuix tan maco amb els colors que més m'agraden!!
    Petons a tots
