On Saturday my new Catalan friends threw a party and I experienced my first
Caga Tio. For those of you who don't already know, the Caga Tio is a wonderful Catalan Christmas tradition. He literally is a "pooping log." Read on to get the full picture. . .

We sing Christmas songs while hitting the Caga Tio with sticks.

Then the log poops out our presents. Those who are good get good things, those who are bad get lumps of coal.

Luckily I was good. I got a cool book that fits perfectly in my little hands.

Meanwhile, Pau slept through the whole party.

Here's a view of all of the kids. Clockwise from the front left there's Leo, Gala (with her mama, Nuria), little Alex, Erica, Annabelle, me, bigger Alex, Clara, Pau (with Mama) and Joan, who came dressed with "faixa" and "barretina"

This is the whole group.

All in all it was a super fun party!!!! Moltes gracias to Alex, Ester, i Julius for organizing the day and for introducing me to the Caga Tio!