After shovelling lots of snow we took a walk to Red Bones for some ribs. . .
I am a natural at devouring them, but I watched Papa to learn his technique. Yummy! After that I fell fast asleep in the double stroller. Can you guess what I had later for dinner? More ribs!!!!
Gabriel is the best! He plays with Pau like a professional. I played my first game of dominoes with my Aunt Nuria and cousin Gabriel. Guess who won. . . ME (and Papa)!!!
I really enjoy reading books. These are about different kinds of vehicles - still one of my favorite topics - but I am starting to like books with longer stories. I especially love going to the Cambridge Main Public Library with Mama and Pau. So many books!
On Sunday we had a Catalan gathering to eat calçots and sing songs. Traditionally you barbeque special onions outdoors and eat them dipped in romesco sauce. For our version we roasted vegetables and ate them with the sauce. Actually, I focused on the bread and cookies instead. I was feeling quiet but liked watching the grown-ups singing songs: El gegant del Pi, El Joan petit quan balla, cargol treu banya.
On Saturday Lila came over to our house to play. I have been asking to for Lila for a few weeks now, "Lila home." "Show Lila new truck." "Play Lila!" As soon as Mama told me she would be coming I said, " Ding dong. Lila here!" We had fun reading letters, cooking soup, dressing the doll Petit and reading books. We also served our Mamas some coffee and some beer.